This Masterpiece of software was written by P. Guberan in the record time of four months ... It is believe it or not a totally original idea (but you will get the proof a little later) ... It’s a Swiss made utility ... We not only do have the best chocolate in the whole big world ... We also have some Macintosh power developers and P. Guberan is one of them ... I can tell you !
This documentation was written by Dany Hofmann who, as you will soon notice, is a big fan of P. Guberan (My Genius ...) Hem, ... You will certainly also notice that my English is more than bad ... Anyway i apologise from now on for the erratic English you have to read !
The story of SecureInit™
Long ... Long times ago there was a wonderful machine called the Macintosh™ who soon became the most popular computer in the whole world. Naturally the schools used it heavily to teach the children lot's of things. Also became it very popular in corporate's, etc...
But as you probably know little child's ... Even big ones like You and I ... Like to do things they normally never should do !!!
One cold night of November 88, very surprisingly, My Genius and I had a dream witch should help the users of the Apple Macintosh™...
... Once configured ( which means System software, System drivers, Init's, all applications, etc... Installed), each Macintosh™ should when 'Shutdown' and 'Restarted' be found by the next or same user, exactly in the same state as originally configured by the Master, System manager or user regardless of what anyone has done with it in between !!! Also should no virus be able to infect you if you select the absolute maximum protection configuration !!!
We then created SecureInit™ an application that installs some invisible init's on the Mac's startup volume preventing it from being infected by actually known viruses, damaged by System crashes and of course modified by unauthorised users.
Finally SecureInit™ is available to all of you, as a Shareware, for US$ 30.00.
Main features of SecureInit™
SecureInit™ is totally user and master configurable which means that all the following described features may be enabled or disabled with the SecureInit™ application and the configuration password set when configuring the Mac's disks/volumes for the first time ... But once installed only the user or master having the SecureInit™ application and knowing the configuration password will be able to modify the enabled features !!!
Having only the SecureInit™ application will allow the user to view the configuration of his disks/volumes. Not to change anything !
Note : Every feature may be individually enabled or disabled !!!
So let's list the features of SecureInit™ :
- Close all windows of selected disks/volumes at startup.
- Make System folder invisible.
- Replace your System if it seems to have been polluted, and then restart your Mac.
- Refresh with new one’s, any master or user selected, files of the System folder every time you restart your Mac. (ImageWriter and LaserWriter drivers who are often polluted by System crashes, even the Finder, etc...)
- Kill every undeclared file(s) in the System folder (Very useful to destroy unknown init's, files, etc...)
- Lock all the applications.
- Verify the applications of the protected disks/volumes
- Disabling polluted applications of the protected disks/volumes
and changing their Icon.
- Lock selected files of the System folder.
- Lock the configured disks/volumes if the the Mac is started from another volume. Or the SecureInit™ INIT is trashed !
- SecureInit™ can eject any System diskette being inserted in any drive and unmount any non-declared System disks/volumes. Thus preventing your hard disk configuration from being changed by any one else than the user or the master having the SecureInit™ application and knowing the configuration password.
- SecureInit™ won't let the user run any application from elsewhere than from he's Mac's protected disks/volumes.
- Extremely user friendly configuration procedures.
- Purge oldest non-declared files, this means you can make a list of never-to-delete files, to make free disk space starting the action from a configured minimum up to x bytes of free space. If 0 bytes are put into the fields and the option is checked SecureInit™ will delete all empty folders on the protected disks/volumes.
- The SecureInit™ init's may be installed into the System itself.
- SecureInit™ will let you do all this to any other disks/volumes that are on-line when configuring.
- *** Every configuration can be password protected.
***=Disabled in the versions available to non-registrated users.
What does SecureInit™
SecureInit™, when first configured, will install some invisible init's into your Mac's startup volume System folder, or directly into your System ... You have the choice. These will perform various tasks to give your Mac the absolute maximum protection available.
Don't be afraid if your anti-virus, etc... stuff give's you warnings when configuring SecureInit™ ... This is normal ... If they don't warn you trash them all (This means they are bad, believe me !!!) But it’s a good idea to keep softs like Vaccine™ on your disk if you want to be warned immediately of any potential virus danger ... SecureInit™ won’t give you acoustic warnings !!!
But if you select the maximum protection level of SecureInit™ you should not get infected by any known virus !!!
One thing you must know is that if you select the absolute maximum protection options, SecureInit™ will use some of your hard disk's space ...
SecureInit™ does not prevent users from saving/copying documents on their protected disks/volumes. SecureInit™ does not protect your documents on the protected disks/volumes.
Who needs SecureInit™
Everybody who owns a Macintosh™ computer should use SecureInit™ !!!
But most of all Corporate's, University's, School's, Developers, etc... Should use it !
Remember to never tell the users the configuration password, nor should you leave the SecureInit™ application on any hard disks you have installed it on ! Thus preventing any body else than YOU from changing ANYTHING in the configuration of all the hard disks you have installed the SecureInit™ on.
How and why to register
Please send us the below located registration form completed and the requested 30 US$ with the payment method you like most.
This will give you a the right to use it on a single machine !!!
For site licenses please contact us directly.
Please fill in the following registration form completely and send it to:
Dancom Inc.
P.o. Box 277
Our Phone# : ++41(21) 802-2814
Our Fax# : ++41(21) 802-3962
As soon as it is available you will then receive a final commercial version of SecureInit™ for free !!!
SecureInit™ will, by the mid 89, become a commercial software and will be sold trough shops for much more !!! So take your chance now and register !!!
All 2.x versions and up will be commercial ones !
All you need to do is double-click on the SecureInit™ icon and then, in the configuration window, set the different levels of protection you want to have installed onto your Mac's on-line disks/volumes. Don't forget to look at the lists to select the files, disks/volumes, etc... you want the different options to have effect on !!!
Be careful by trying out different protection options ... If you don't ... You may loose some of your valuable files !!!
Do never forget to look at the list of the different options !!!
Be especially careful with the "Kill System aliens" which erases all undeclared files from the System folder and ... The "Purge if less than" option ... Which if you reach the fixed minimum space will start erasing the oldest non-declared files of your disks/volumes.
In any case you want all SecureInit™ protections and files to be removed from your disks/volumes just click on the Unprotect button.
Do not select the "Eject Alien System Disks" option if you use copy-protected software that requires a key disk inserted for checks !!!
SecureInit™ when you click the Protect button in the configuration window will create the necessary files into your System folder.
Again, don't be afraid if during configuration, installation, modification of SecureInit™ your anti-virus stuff gives you warnings ... Its normal !!!
Note : If you want instant warnings if a virus try's to infect your disks/volumes leave Vaccine™ or any soft like this on them.
Options explanations :
[Lock application] will lock all applications on the protected disks/volumes.
[Hyde System folder] will hide your System folder.
[Lock System files] will lock all selected files from the System folder.
[Refresh System files] will save an invisible back-up copy of the selected files, to replace the original ones each time you restart your Mac. Allowing you at each reboot to work with original not polluted files. This works only for files residing in the System folder.
[Kill System aliens] will let you declare a list of all files from the System folder you want to keep. All others will be killed each time you restart. Here you have the option to see only the init files or all files.
[Lock disk after use] will put a software lock on the protected disks/volumes if someone try's to start your Mac from a non-protected disk/volume. Also if someone would trash the SecureInit™ INIT.
[Verify applications] will check all the applications on the protected disks/volumes to see if they are unknown or polluted. If it happens that one of them seems to be bad or unknown it will be disabled, it's Icon will be changed and an explanation will be written into a log file you will find in the System folder.
[Close all windows at startup] will at each startup close all the windows of the selected disks/volumes.
[Eject alien System disks] will eject/unmount any undeclared disks/volumes having a System on them.
[Don't launch external applications] will only allow you to launch applications from protected disks/volumes. It will also not allow you to copy applications, to those protected disks/volumes.
[Purge if less than] will let you define a minimum free disk space you always want. So if you reach this minimum SecureInit™ will automatically begin to delete the oldest non-declared files of your disks/volumes.
[Install in System] will let SecureInit™ install it's files into the System.
For absolute maximum protection you must do the following :
If you want a full 'anti-virus' protection from SecureInit™ you have to be sure your Mac is not infected before you install SecureInit™ ... Do check this with VirusDetective™, Virex™, Virus RX or other programmes like these... Then you have to launch the SecureInit™ application and in the configuration window check all options except the "Close all windows on startup" and "Purge if less than" which are optional !!!
For each option you must look at the list if available and then select the appropriate files, disks/volumes, etc... !!!
For the "Refresh System files" option ... You must select the System, Finder, MultiFinder, Print monitor, Backgrounder and DA Handler.
Also for the "Verify applications" option when in the list select all the normally on-line volumes !!!
There is a very little bug in "SFVol Init v. 1.5 by R. Lau" that makes some interferences with SecureInit™ so until Raymond has corrected it we recommend that you disable "SFVol Init" while configuring SecureInit™ ! After this you may reactivate "SFVol Init" and everything will work perfectly.
Please feel free to make us any comments or suggestions ... Because if we think they are good we will incorporate these into future versions !!!